
Selasa, 15 November 2011

Wolfram Alfa

WolframAlpha computational knowledge engine is a newly launched on May 18, 2008. At first glance wolfram alpha site will make people think that this is just one search engine, like Google or Yahoo, but you'll be amazed by his ability after a try. Wolfram can answer scientific questions, and the results are directly in the form of facts, not links to a website.

Wolfram Alpha can answer questions like "Who is the president of united states", "Pls is the next solar eclipse in Indonesia", or "what is the distance the between chiang mai and Bandung". Wolfram Alpha can display graphs of functions, comparing the shares of two companies, show the weather of a city, showing the chemical structure, presenting maps, etc.. But Wolfram Alpha is also still not perfect, a lot of simple questions that can not be answered, but as new products, its ability has been very promising. For the scientist or student / student of science, Wolfram Alpha will be very useful in doing research.

It should be noted that Wolfram Alpha is currently not surf the web to find answers to a question. At Google, I could search my name "John Nugroho", and will appear websites that I have. Wolfram Alpha does not have such capabilities, and will respond with "Wolfram | Alpha is not sure what to do with your input."

Behind the scenes, Wolfram Alpha is currently using 10 thousand computers to answer various questions. This amount is still far below Google, so do not be surprised if your request sometimes take a long time to process it. Apart from the public version, Wolfram Alpha will also be sold to commercial entities that can be used to analyze the data in an enterprise, and of course there will be features that are not provided in public version

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